

We aim to bring about a significant positive change in the socio-economic status of rural India by offering quality education to deserving individuals.

We also provide training in life and work skills outside of the formal education system to adolescent girls and boys, to enable them to live a more materially improved and fulfilled life.

In 2016 around 1180 children of our invaluable employees availed benefits of the 'Free Notebooks Scheme'. We also sponsored part of the tuition fee for 69 children.



We do our best to help the physically challenged, mentally challenged and orphans. We also have a Workers Marriage Welfare Scheme' that benefitted around 48 physically challenged employees in 2016.

We also provide our employees with 'Foundational Training' in Health and Nutrition, Work-Life balance, Communication Skills and Occupational Safety. Additionally we offer 'Advanced Training' in Functional Literacy and Leadership.

We proudly support Women Empowerment Initiatives to motivate all our female employees and to boost their self confidence. Recently, we provided them with Self-Defence training. 




We believe in the health and safety of our employees and work extensively towards providing them with healthcare facilities that are not available to them. With the help of the SSS Foundation we organise Cancer Awareness Camps, HIV/AIDS Awareness Camps and other Government Health Initiatives. 

All our female employees are given the opportunity of getting free cancer tests, and all expenses are borne by the SSS Foundation and the Bhomiaji Trust incase any of the tests are positive.



Our level of compliance with city, state and federal regulations is unmatched in the Industry. We focus on

  • Minimizing waste

  • Reducing chemical usage

  • Reusing Water:  In 2015, we recycled 10,60,100 litres of water.

  • Rainwater Harvesting Systems with a capacity of 12 Lakh Litres.

  • Preventing Pollution

  • Conserving Energy through the use of Solar Panels

  • Using Cleaner Production Techniques

  • Complying with Environmental Legislations and Regulations


As a contribution to the Sports Development in India, we identify budding talent in Cricket from rural India and provide them with a monthly stipend and provide them with facilities to hone their skills. Our players have participated in District and State Level Tournaments organised by the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association. 

We organise a cricket tournament annually, called the 'Ratan Trophy' which is a great platform for young cricket enthusiasts to showcase their talent and progress in the field.